
Hi! My name is Keith. I was born in Scotland and now live in Australia with my wife and son. This is what I looked like in 1976, ploughing a field in Japan. Many years have passed since then; most of the hair has gone and I’ve gained some weight; but I’d like to think that I am still the same person who helped plough that field.

At a very early age, I began writing stories and of all the ambitions I have ever had and never realised, being a writer is the oldest and the most persistent. As an only child, writing was my way of communicating but, in the absence of people to talk with, I was primarily writing for myself, so the disciplines required to communicate with others were never properly developed. Consequently, I have never attempted to have any of my writing published. Yet, somehow, this absence of recognition does nothing to diminish the enjoyment and satisfaction I receive from putting my thoughts down on paper. For me, it seems, the journey [of writing] is more important than the destination.

I also enjoy reading and when I discover an author I like I have a tendency to read everything of his (or hers) I can lay my hands on until the supply is exhausted and I have to move on. Recently, my authors of choice have been:

John Banville
Don Delillo
E.L. Doctorow
Martin Amis

4 thoughts on “About

  1. I would say you have long since realized your ambition of being a writer, Keith. Keep the wonderful stories coming!

  2. Hi Keith,

    My name is Yue Zhang and I am writing a book on the politics of historic preservation in Beijing, Paris, and Chicago. I would like to show a picture of the demolition of Les Halles in Paris and I found the picture on your website (https://xpatscot.wordpress.com/travel/the-paris-album/seeing-the-sights/). I need to indicate the source of the image and have the photographer’s permission when using the picture in my book. I wonder whether this photo was taken by you, and if yes, whether you could allow me to use it in my book (I will indicate in the book that the photo is your work). If you are not the photographer, could you let me know the source of the image? If you could send me an email, that would be great. Thanks a lot. I look forward to hearing from you.


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